July 31, 2020

Preparing For your Boudoir Shoot

so you've booked your boudoir session...

a little pre-shoot prep goes along way!

I'm so excited to photograph your boudoir session! If you're nervous, just know that I am too, and that's okay because it means we care. I know how intimidating this type of session is, and I don't take your vulnerability and bravery lightly.

When it comes to boudoir sessions, there is some extra prep compared to other session types where we have several elements in each image. Boudoir sessions are all about your body and unique physical features, so of course, we want you to show up looking and FEELING good and confident.

Here are some things you can do prior to your session to help us achieve the best possible outcome:

  1. Let's start with the simplest but sometimes, least obvious, one... wash the bottoms of your feet! If you can get a pedicure the week of your session, definitely recommend that as well, but don't forget to wash the bottoms of your feet the day of your session! Your toenail color doesn't matter too much, but if you can go with something neutral that doesn't detract from your lingerie colors, do that.
  2. Make sure you thoroughly shave your entire body. Be prepared for hair to show in the images if it's there. If possible, I recommend a Brazilian wax. This should be done 48+ hours in advance.
  3. If possible, and I will usually say "if possible" because I know money doesn't grow on trees, book professional hair and make up. Communicate with your vendor what you're doing and don't go overboard. I recommend loose curls for boudoir hair. For make up, I recommend not going too dark on your eyes and lips, adding bronzer and lashes.
  4. Try on your boudoir outfit(s) beforehand. Make sure you choose outfits that you feel confident in, and that flatter your physique. I would suggest bringing a variety of styles so that you have different options to choose from. I'm always available to provide feedback!
  5. Get your nails painted - whether you do them or you get a manicure, your hands/nails will be in many of the images!
  6. Moisturize the morning of your session, and/or lightly prior to the session. Don't overdo it with oils or too much lotion as you'll just stick to furniture in the studio.
  7. Create a moodboard- to get you excited, to communicate to me the vision you have and your comfortability with different poses, and to observe facial expressions and maybe practice a few in the mirror.
  8. Think about props that you can include in your session. If you're gifting this to someone or plan on sharing them with someone special, consider bringing items of theirs or that they care about like a sports jersey, flannel, work vest, etc. Get creative! I've had clients use their partner's cowboy hat, I've had a client bring a golf ball and her man's favorite whiskey + cigar. And it doesn't have to be something of someone else's, you can bring your own hats, boots, maybe a bouquet of flowers, a polaroid or film camera, a bottle of wine, a guitar if you play guitar (okay picture a boudoir sesh but while playing guitar... new goal sesh).
  9. (Second to) last, but certainly not the least... please don't starve or dehydrate yourself for a boudoir session. If you don't feel ready for the session, reschedule. I've had past clients tell me that they hadn't eaten in 2 days and that just doesn't sit well with me. I want this to be a positive, uplifting, fun experience and your overall health (physical, emotional, and mental) is important to me. With that being said, I'm a girl and of course I get bloated, too. I recommend eating a light breakfast, smoothie, or snack prior to your session and drinking water as usual. If you tend to bloat easily, avoid caffeine and carbonation the day of and prior.
  10. Do something to celebrate yourself on the day of your session. Decide to go out to eat or have drinks afterwards, or take some time to journal and reflect on your personal growth. It doesn't have to be anything specific, but make the day one to remember, whether it's for an hour before or after, or the whole day. Reflect on the special things that make you, you. Your physical features that belong to no one else, that you so easily have gotten used to but are beautiful and captivating nonetheless. And on the value that you derive from your heart, your mind, and your soul - and is reflected outwardly.

Thank you for reading, and thank you for booking, or even considering booking with me. :)

Creatively, Sami